






在8月,我们已经完全重新绘制了游戏中所有赛道的赛道限制,并且我们用一个新的赛道限制照明功能给了那些更新的赛道限制更多的清晰度。8月也带来了时间攻击在Forza Motorsport 7。任何汽车,任何级别,任何赛道——现在都有一个排行榜;这是Forza社区最受欢迎的功能之一,我们很高兴能在8月将它带到Forza 7。




和往常一样,我们在8月份的版本说明中有完整的Forza Motorsport 7的修复和改进列表,可以在Forza论坛中找到。在这里,我们将在8月深入所有的更新细节,我们从8月聚光灯汽车,一个经典的C组赛车从80年代开始。



在一群久经战火考验的C组车队中,来自捷豹、保时捷和梅赛德斯-奔驰的阿斯顿·马丁试图与AMR1展开竞争。开发始于1987年,当时有一支资金雄厚的设计师团队。空气动力学是实现高转弯速度的关键因素,在AMR1的凯夫拉尔和碳纤维桶下面是一个巨大的航空隧道。同样巨大的阿斯顿·马丁V8引擎由里夫斯·卡拉威(Reeves Callaway)按摩,马力超过700马力,甚至倾斜3度以优化隧道气流。只有5个底盘被建造;这个模型(AMR1/04)是最成功的,在Hatch获得了第四名,纽博格林获得第八名,布莱恩·雷德曼(Brian Redman)和大卫·莱斯利(David Leslie)坐在方向盘后面。在C组的10轮世界体育原型锦标赛赛季结束时,AMR1s完成了8次比赛,最终以第六名的成绩领先于丰田。AMR1是一个惊人的驱动器,现在是您体验它的机会,并建立自己的传奇英国赛车遗产。


Update v1.137.587.2 incl DLC:
In August, we’ve completely redrawn track limits for all track ribbons in the game, and we’ve given those updated track limits more clarity than ever with a new track limit illumination feature. August also brings the launch of Time Attack in Forza Motorsport 7. Any car, any class, any track – everything has a leaderboard now; this is one of the most requested features from the Forza community and we’re overjoyed to bring it to Forza 7 in August.

Drifters? Yeah, we’ve got you covered too this month. As of this update, Drift Mode has received some major upgrades. We’ve got a new drift scoring model and dedicated drift leaderboards. We’re also making new drift suspension upgrades available to players and the Open Airfield is now accessible in Free Play.

As always we’ve got our full list of fixes and improvements to Forza Motorsport 7 in our August Release Notes, which can be found in the Forza Forums. Here, we’ll dive into all the update details in August, and we start with our August Spotlight car, a classic Group C race car from the 1980s.

1989 Aston Martin #18 Aston Martin AMR1
Amidst a field of battle-hardened Group C race teams from Jaguar, Porsche and Mercedes-Benz, Aston Martin sought to enter the fray with the AMR1. Development began in 1987 with a well-funded team of designers. Aerodynamics were a key element to achieving high cornering speeds, and underneath the AMR1’s Kevlar and carbon fiber tub is a massive aero tunnel. The equally massive Aston Martin V8 was massaged by Reeves Callaway to produce more than 700 hp and was even tilted three-degrees to optimize the tunnel airflow. Only five chassis were built; the one modeled here (AMR1/04) was the most successful, achieving a fourth place at Brands Hatch and an eighth place at the Nürburgring with Brian Redman and David Leslie behind the wheel. By the end of the 10-race Group C World Sports Prototype Championship season the AMR1s had eight finishes and finished sixth place overall ahead of Toyota. The AMR1 is an astounding drive and now is your chance to experience it and build your own legendary British racing heritage.


2018-08-10极限竞速7 v1.137.587.2升级档+DLC+免DVD补丁CODEX版    【807MB】 v1.137.587.2