






现在提供以下新内容/ DLC。

- G
- 萨加特

- 附加服装(故事):G
- 附加服装(故事):Sagat
- 附加服装(战斗装备1):G
- 附加服装(Battle Outfit 1):Sagat
- 附加服装(Nostalgia):Sagat
- 附加服装(泳装):樱花
- 附加服装(泳装):Falke
- 附加服装(泳装):Kolin
- 附加服装(泳装):Juri
- 附加服装(泳装):Menat
- 附加服装(CPT 2018):Birdie
- 街头霸王V 2018泳装包
- 街头霸王V怪物猎人捆绑
- 附加阶段:国王法院

- 增加了两个新的联赛 - 终极大师(LP 100,000 - 299,999)和Warlord(LP 300,000及以上)。

- 完成排名或休闲比赛后,添加了“使用此角色开始训练”选项。选择后,您将进入训练模式,并使用与比赛中使用的相同的字符。



- 系统

如果Cammy用她的后卫Delta Through击中Rashid,在投掷完成之后,如果Rashid试图向后冲刺或跳跃,他将最终执行前锋冲刺或跳跃,与最初输入的相反。

- M. Bison
如果Bison用他的CA Ultimate Psycho Crusher击中了对手,并且在锁定动画开始之前,对手被一个精神冲锋的定时爆炸眩晕,导致对手震惊,然后对手不会受到伤害终极精神破碎机。
→固定,以便在被Ultimate Psycho Crusher击中时,对手将被清除心理冲锋状态。

- 科林
如果Hailstorm击中对手并让他们陷入昏迷状态,同时Frost Touch成功执行,动画将会播放,但对手不会受到Frost Touch的伤害。

- Zeku(旧)

- F.A.N.G

当在V-Trigger II中执行L Ryobenda时,如果F.A.N.G在移动的启动或持续时间内立即从对手那里击中,则会发生意外的命中箱。

- 法尔克

- 布兰卡
Blanka可以通过使用跳转取消来执行正常版本的Electric Thunder,而V-Trigger I处于活动状态。
→已修复,因此当V-Trigger I通过使用跳转取消激活时,Blanka无法再执行正常版本的Electric Thunder。

- 阿比盖尔
由于Abi Lift的击球手在他身后,当在V-Trigger I中对抗一个落后于他的对手时执行Abi Lift(Lv2及更高)时,对手的击退将被阿比盖尔的碰撞盒打断,造成错误。预期的接收攻击行为。
→修正了阿比盖尔在常规状态和V-Trigger I处于活动状态时无法击中Abi Lift背后的对手。

- 柳
如果Ryu使用Collarbone Breaker或Axe Kick震惊了对手并取消了进入Isshin,他的下一次攻击将受到V-Trigger取消组合缩放的影响。

- R. Mika
如果V-Trigger II攻击Steel Chair和Fightin'Dirty是在震惊的对手身上进行的,他们将受到V-Trigger取消组合缩放的影响。


Update v3.060:

The following new content/DLC is now available.

● Character
-- G
-- Sagat

● Additional Content
-- Additional Costume (Story): G
-- Additional Costume (Story): Sagat
-- Additional Costume (Battle Outfit 1): G
-- Additional Costume (Battle Outfit 1): Sagat
-- Additional Costume (Nostalgia): Sagat
-- Additional Costume (Swimsuit): Sakura
-- Additional Costume (Swimsuit): Falke
-- Additional Costume (Swimsuit): Kolin
-- Additional Costume (Swimsuit): Juri
-- Additional Costume (Swimsuit): Menat
-- Additional Costume (CPT 2018): Birdie
-- Street Fighter V 2018 Swimsuit Pack
-- Street Fighter V Monster Hunter Bundle
-- Additional Stage: King's Court

● New/Updated Functionality
-- Two new Leagues have been added - Ultimate Grand Master (LP 100,000 - 299,999) and Warlord (LP 300,000 and above).

-- After finishing a Ranked or Casual Match, the option "Begin Training with this Character" has been added. Upon selecting it, you will be taken to Training Mode with the same characters that were used in the match.

● Fighting Chance
Get Sagat's Classic Additional Costume through "All Hail the Emperor," now underway in Fighting Chance.

● Battle Related/Bug Fixes

-- System
Upon getting hit with certain lock-on type attacks, certain of the players' movement inputs would end up getting reversed.

If Cammy hits Rashid with her back throw Delta Through, after the throw has completed, if Rashid tried to do a backwards dash or jump, he would end up performing a forwards dash or jump, opposite to what was originally input.
→We looked into the corresponding actions, and have fixed the bug which caused the reversed inputs to occur.

-- M. Bison
If Bison hit the opponent with his CA Ultimate Psycho Crusher, and before the lock-on animation began, the opponent was dizzed from the timed explosion of a Psycho Charge which caused the opponent to become stunned, then the opponent would not take damage from the Ultimate Psycho Crusher.
→Fixed so that the opponent will be cleared of the Psycho Charge status upon being hit by Ultimate Psycho Crusher.

-- Kolin
If Hailstorm hits the opponent and puts them into a stunned state, and Frost Touch is successfully performed at the same time, the animation will play but the opponent will not take damage from Frost Touch.
→Fixed so that if the opponent goes into a stunned state and Frost Touch is successfully performed at the same time, the Frost Touch animation will not play.

-- Zeku (Old)
Zeku could not cancel (special move or V-Cancel) active frame 4F of his crouching heavy punch on hit or block.
→Fixed so that Zeku can cancel (special move or V-Cancel) active frame 4F of his crouching heavy punch on hit or block.

-- F.A.N.G
The timing for the simultaneous button presses for Senpukuga was strict, so a slight delay meant the move would not be performed.
→Fixed so that Senpukuga can be performed even with a slight delay in the button presses.

When performing L Ryobenda while in V-Trigger II, if F.A.N.G took a hit from the opponent immediately during the move's startup or duration, an unintended hitbox would occur.
→Fixed so that when F.A.N.G takes damage under these conditions, the effect will disappear.

-- Falke
Falke's standing heavy punch would continue to trigger the opponent's blocking action even after the attack active frames had ended.
→Fixed so that the block trigger frames will disappear at the same time as the attack active frames.

-- Blanka
Blanka could perform the normal version of Electric Thunder while V-Trigger I is active by using a jump cancel.
→Fixed so that Blanka can no longer perform the normal version of Electric Thunder while V-Trigger I is active by using a jump cancel.

-- Abigail
Due to the hitboxes for Abi Lift being behind him, when performing Abi Lift (Lv2 and higher) while in V-Trigger I against an opponent who is behind him, the opponent's knockback will be interrupted by Abigail's collision box, causing an error in the intended received-attack behavior.
→Fixed so that Abigail cannot hit opponents who are behind him with Abi Lift, both in regular state and while V-Trigger I is active.

-- Ryu
If Ryu stunned the opponent using Collarbone Breaker or Axe Kick and canceled the move into Isshin, his next attack would be subject to V-Trigger cancel combo scaling.
→Fixed to have regular combo scaling.

-- R. Mika
If the V-Trigger II attacks Steel Chair and Fightin' Dirty were performed on a stunned opponent, they would be subject to V-Trigger cancel combo scaling.
→Fixed to have regular combo scaling.


2018-08-09街头霸王5 v3.060升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版    【3.4G】 v3.060