



整合DLC:Gravel Ice and Fire 


- 修复了在线暂停菜单中的游戏选项中启用的主动游戏命令。
- 修正离开在线大厅时不正确的音乐转换
- 修正了在多种语言中捕捉国旗和国王的游戏模式描述中的小问题
- 修复在纳米比亚布局的重复木栅栏
- 修正了冠军赛结束时奖励页面上未锁定的曲目/贴心用户界面
- 修正了在特定布局退出重放时游戏进入无响应状态的问题
- 修正了阿拉斯加布局中的较小的帧速率
- 修正了外墙未能完全封锁冰岛在线竞技场的问题
- 修复了体育场轨道重播中的起始相机
- 修正了悍马H3下面显示错误元素的问题
- 对纳米比亚布局中的poser对象位置稍作修复
- 修正了Time Attack事件结束时可能显示错误位置的问题
- 修正了迷你地图中不能显示对手的问题
- 修正了如果在主菜单的背景中未能加载车辆,游戏可能仍然卡住的问题
- 修正了在线比赛结束后游戏可能显示不正确的结果位置和时间的问题
- 改进了对高速机动的检测,避免因小颠簸而中断
- 改善每个轨道的后期处理效果
- 改进了时间攻击模式下拉斯维加斯的跑步开始位置
- 在雨天和穿越河流时,屏幕上的水和雨滴颗粒效果得到改善
- 锦标赛冠军锦标赛冠军页面的改进UI
- 改进在线比赛的赛道载入图像
- 改进了每周挑战重新启动的警告消息
- 改进直升机的阴影
- 改进了Smash Up事件的难度调整
- 改进了在线比赛中默认圈数的调整
- 在线比赛期间改进了定时器的调整
- 改变了排行榜中的缺口时间,以便第一次引用而不是前一个位置
- 在线比赛中的赢家赛事现在显示的时间较长
- 如果计时器在没有投票的玩家公开投票时结束,则投票现在会自动进行
- 引入了HUD选项来取消显示点组合计数器的显示
- 在重生之后以及处于不可碰撞状态时对车辆引入闪烁效果
- 在线上比赛投票后引入了随机投票阶段
- 改善阴影投射距离
- 推出了对21:9分辨率的支持
- 引入了对三屏配置的支持
- 改进了16:10分辨率的UI显示


Update 2 incl DLC:
- Fixed active gameplay commands enabled in Game Options from the Online Pause Menu.
- Fixed incorrect music transition when leaving the online lobby
- Fixed minor issues in Game mode description for Capture the Flag and King in several languages
- Fixed duplicate wooden fences in Namibia layouts
- Fixed UI for unlocked tracks/liveries on the Rewards page at the end of Championship events
- Fixed an issue where the game entered an unresponsive state when exiting the Replay in specific layouts
- Fixed minor framerate stutters in Alaska layouts
- Fixed an issue where the outer wall did not completely block the area in Iceland online arena
- Fixed starting camera in Replay for Stadium tracks
- Fixed an issue where an incorrect element was displayed below the Hummer H3
- Minor fixes in poser objects position in Namibia layouts
- Fixed an issue where an incorrect position may be displayed at the end of Time Attack events
- Fixed an issue where opponents may not be displayed in the minimap
- Fixed an issue where the game may remain stuck if failing to load the vehicle in the background of the Main Menu
- Fixed an issue where the game may display incorrect result positions and timings after online matches
- Improved detection of high-speed manoeuvre to avoid interruption from small bumps
- Improved post process effects in every track
- Improved the running start position for Las Vegas in Time Attack modes
- Improved water and raindrop particles effect on screen in rainy weather and when crossing streams
- Improved UI for Championship Winner page in Championship events
- Improved track loading images for online matches 
- Improved warning message for Restart in Weekly Challenges
- Improved shadows for helicopter
- Improved difficulty tuning for Smash Up events 
- Improved tuning for default laps in online matches
- Improved tuning for timers during online matches
- Changed gap time in Leaderboards to reference the first time instead of the previous position one
- The Winner event in online matches is now displayed for a longer time 
- Vote is now automatically casted at random if timer ends in public voting for players which did not vote 
- Introduced a HUD option to remove the display of the Show Points combo counter
- Introduced a blinking effect to vehicles after Respawn and when in a not-collidable state
- Introduced a random balloting phase after voting in online matches
- Improved cast distance for shadows
- Introduced support for 21:9 resolutions
- Introduced support for Triple Screen configurations
- Improved UI display for 16:10 resolutions


2018-03-24砂砾 2号升级档+DLC+免DVD补丁CODEX版    【3.2G】