





Lycelot Alpha Trackers意识到他们应该有时会吹嘘他们的Claw Barrage攻击,玩家将能够像其他攻击一样逃避罢工。其伤害也轻微减少。
修复了在新游戏Plus中为Knolan和Red Monika启动武器的缺少名称/描述。
修复了Alumon的2次(黑暗修补II和Sanguine Embrace II)的2次错误,增加了他们应该有的治疗效果(偷偷摸摸的Alumon)
增加NG +的敌人基地水平
在Gully的Defend II perk上进行澄清,其中规定了仅当使用Defend时减少伤害
基于过充电使用功率的Perks /高手重新平衡
修复了一个有时会导致玩家被卡在胜利屏幕上的错误(特别是针对Lycelot Bombers)
修正了阻止未购买的英雄皮肤在NG +中显示的错误
与控制员打擂台有时会使其自动关闭。这已经解决了。使用B(在xbox控制器上)或O(在playstation控制器上)将关闭它。 (键盘总是工作,没有改变)
有时没有竞技场的奖励。这已经被修复了,如果你以前受到它的影响,当你完成另一个竞技场的运行时,你应该被授予并且没有收到的任何独特的项目将被给予你。 (这意味着如果你被抢劫了一些别的东西,像一个烧瓶,你实际上得到它在别的地方,它不会被给予,但关键的项目,如武器,小饰品,食谱,任务项目等将永远追溯给予)
死神的老板在NG +神话难度不正确的水平。


Update v23098:
The Blacksmith found a bunch of gold in his old apron: Cost to upgrade the Blacksmith has been reduced to 500g for the first upgrade and 2000g for the final upgrade.
Vendors became a little less greedy and you can sell items to vendors for slightly more.
Fishing comparison display is fixed. We figured actually seeing accurate numbers was a good idea.
Perks should always unlock at level 6. If they didn’t unlock for you, you should see them unlocked with this patch now.
Getting into combat while interacting with the Surveyor should no longer make you unable to interact with anything when returning from combat
The name/description for the items required for Gully’s Ultimate weapon were flipped (Dragon Scales and Dragon Heart Phylactery)
Smoothed XP curve for mid to late game to require less replay of dungeons to level up
A wider variety of items will be available as loot in chests, especially in early/mid game dungeons when crafting isn’t as accessible
Increased gold acquired from creatures, chests, boxes/crates. Also, fixed a bug where minor loot objects (crates, barrels, jars etc) were giving too little gold outside of the first dungeon and Strongmont.
Various typo fixes
Enchanting Shrine will be guaranteed to spawn in Path of Fangs and Deadwatch.
Fix for a bug some people were encountering in which some of the Hunt bosses (sludge mound and king slime) never spawned and players became stuck
The room containing The Shade of Belevros in the Iron Outpost should spawn a loooooot more now.
Fixed a bug in which Alumon would actually NOT join the party. We found him and forced him back in your party if he wasn’t unlocked for you, and he should be appropriately leveled and not naked
Lycelot Alpha Trackers realized they should sometimes whiff their Claw Barrage attack and players will be able to evade its strikes now like any other attack. Also damage of it reduced slightly.
Fixed missing name/description for starting weapons for Knolan and Red Monika in New Game Plus.
Fixed an error in 2 of Alumon’s perks (Dark Mending II and Sanguine Embrace II) adding 2x the healing they should have (sneaky Alumon)
Increased the base level of enemies in NG+
Enemies around the Dig on the worldmap will be appropriately leveled
You should be able to turn in the Vessel of War and Glorious Vessel of War now if it was stuck for you (you will need to re-kill 10 enemies on your way back to the shrine where you turn it in though)
Mantle of Aramus has been changed: Places a damage shield on Gully that absorbs damage. For the next 3 turns, anytime Gully receives damage, she will be healed.
Clarification with the Defend II perk on Gully that specifies that the damage reduction is only when using Defend
Stun Immunity duration increased to 4 turns from 3 turns after a hero or enemy is stunned.
Re-Balanced Crit Damage perks
Fixed a bug with the Ring of Lost Love’s thorns value
Each Heroes’ Legendary Weapon power has been reduced slightly (still the best weapons in the game!) This fix isn’t retroactive, so if you already have the legendary weapons in that run, they will remain extra crazy.
The final boss has grown in power
Masteries have been rebalanced across the board
Perks/masteries that power up based on overcharge use have been rebalanced
Some of the Pirate Captains weren’t spawning, but should now spawn normally
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused players to be stuck on the victory screen (especially against Lycelot Bombers)
Some bosses will keep a tighter hold of their purses, not letting you pickpocket key items from them
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused heroes who gained multiple levels at once to not receive all the perk points they should have. If you’ve been effected by this, you may notice some of your heroes have more perk points than they did before!
Fixed a bug that prevented unpurchased hero skins from showing up in NG+
Opening the Bestiary in combat with a controller sometimes caused it to auto close. This has been fixed. Using B(on xbox controller) or O(on playstation controller) will close it. (keyboard always worked and hasn’t been changed)
Fixed a Bug in which you can get infinite xp from the king slime. We think that’s a little too much xp.
Arena rewards were sometimes not being awarded. This has been fixed and if you have been affected by it in the past, when you complete another arena run, any unique items that you should have been awarded and didn’t receive will be given to you. (this means if you had been robbed of something that you could’ve gotten somewhere else like a flask, and you actually got it somewhere else, it won’t be given, but key items like weapons, trinkets, recipes, quest items etc will always be retroactively given)
The boss of Deadwatch was incorrectly leveled in NG+ on Mythic Difficulty.


2017-10-13战神:夜袭 v23098升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版    【181.94MB】 v23098