游戏中按 ~ 可开启控制台,输入以下秘籍:
秘籍 | 作用 |
.did | 显示帧 |
.diz | 关闭帧 |
.jt # | 跳关秘籍(#为数字) |
allit | 得到所有物品,武器,弹药 |
gimme all | 得到所有物品,武器,弹药 |
megaboss | 抗毁性 |
satan | 抗毁性 |
秘籍 | 作用 |
.prezes | 无敌模式 |
.wp | 得到所有物品,武器 |
.gt 或 .goto [level number xx] | 跳关 |
aim off | 关闭自动瞄准 |
aim on | 开启自动瞄准 |
代码 | 关卡 |
41 | First Steps |
01 | Outer Citadel |
30 | Through the Citadel |
10 | Middle Castle |
33 | In the Middle of the Castle |
11 | The Cathedral |
34 | The Darker Cathedral |
12 | The Cemetary |
13 | The High Castle |
14 | The Castle Cathedral |
17 | The Factory |
35 | The Machine Park |
07 | The Train Station |
08 | U-Boat Bunker |
32 | U-Boat Pen |
06 | V2 Factory |
09 | City Ruins |
24 | The Duel |
15 | The Time Machine |
02 | The Future Time Machine |
28 | Time Machi ne Facility |
05 | Underground Channels |
31 | The Sewers |
18 | Kraftwerk |
03 | Droid Factory |
19 | Computing Center |
04 | City in the Clouds |
16 | The Spaceport |
29 | Docking Bay 94 |
23 | The Flying Fortress |