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'BATMAN - The Telltale Series'第4集发布日期,预告片
11月18日 - TELLTALE游戏
问候同性恋十字军!今天我们很高兴地宣布,下一集“BATMAN - Telltale系列”将于下周抵达!从11月22日开始,第4集:“Gotham的卫士”将在全球范围内提供数字化。
在这个倒数第二章,由于第3集:“新世界秩序”的令人震惊的事件,“黑暗骑士”的事情变得越来越糟糕了。企鹅已经控制了韦恩企业,和伊丽莎白阿卡姆庇护为刑事疯狂有一个新的客人 - 你 - 布鲁斯·韦恩。随着蝙蝠侠从高谭市的街道上移走,哈维·登特的部队和阿卡姆的儿童正在战争,无辜的公民陷入了交火之中。为了逃脱你的填充细胞的“舒适”,你必须选择盟友帮助你的逃脱,即使他们不是把微笑在你的脸上。你愿意去多远司法?复仇?
一定要在Twitter上关注@TelltaleGames,并在Facebook上喜欢BATMAN - The Telltale系列的所有最新消息。
'BATMAN - The Telltale Series' Episode 4 Release Date, Trailer
Greetings fellow caped crusaders! Today we’re excited to announce that the next episode of ‘BATMAN - The Telltale Series’ will be arriving next week! Starting November 22nd, Episode 4: ‘Guardian of Gotham’ will be available digitally worldwide.
Along with that, we can share with you a sneak peek at the upcoming entry of your interactive Batman tale. Check out the trailer below for a glimpse at what’s in store.
In this penultimate chapter, things have gone from bad to worse for The Dark Knight due to the shocking events of Episode 3: ‘New World Order’. Penguin has taken control of Wayne Enterprises, and the Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane has a new guest - you - Bruce Wayne. With the Batman removed from the streets of Gotham City, Harvey Dent's forces and the Children of Arkham are at war, with innocent citizens caught in the crossfire. To escape the 'comforts' of your padded cell, you must choose allies to aid in your escape, even if they aren't the sort to put a smile on your face. How far are you willing to go for justice? For vengeance?
It’s another tense, action-packed episode featuring a first appearance by a grinning future adversary..... We can’t wait for you to dive back in and fight to save Gotham City with your choices!
Special note: Players will leave this episode in very different places depending on where they choose to go in the third act, and this will greatly affect their story rolling into the season finale as well.
Be sure to follow @TelltaleGames on Twitter and like BATMAN - The Telltale Series on Facebook for all the latest news.
by thegfw