



Odyssey DLC
Fantasy Zone DLC
Galaxy Force II DLC
Space Harrier DLC
Ray Force DLC
Metal Black DLC
Night Strike DLC
Taito Pack DLC
Sega Pack DLC





- 接收在死亡点CS模式,直到你买的所有船舶

- AC模式设置:让您决定哪个控制器控制其播放器(即彩色/起点)

- 具有更高分辨率的图像替换奥德赛图片

- 全控制器支持:发射可现在设置与控制器

- 小bug修复

DARIUSBURST纪事救主V1.00 r5736:错误修正

DBCS r5736补丁笔记

- 修正带显示屏上领先成为不正确使用时重启。

- 在QUZ修正了当Z中区被用来重启这将停止显示图形

- 修正了不能被任何人,但P1被控制的确认对话框

- DLC模式:固定这不会标志着阶段明确,也不得分纪录的问题。

- DLC模式:固定这将清除阶段之后用户发送回菜单中的问题。

- 修正了OPA OPA的激光所以现在造成伤害幻影城堡的外装甲

DARIUSBURST纪事救主V1.00 r5729:缩放,重新启动和交易卡


DBCS r5729补丁的详细信息:

- 一个“重新启动”和增加“返回到主菜单”按钮,将暂停菜单游戏中

- 缩放功能,大流士奥德赛的加入

- 修复,GALAXY FORCE II错误拿起项目,而滚动时会发生


我敢打赌,你以为它不能得到更好的,对吧?没关系。你不必感到羞愧。庆祝! Degica很高兴地宣布,原来的超宽屏射击游戏,



每个包包括自同名游戏,独特的水平,并从原来的对应混音音乐】新船。每包将耗资$ 4.99 USD单独或$ 11.99美元的所有三包。




我敢打赌,你想多了,是吧?我有好消息! Degica很高兴地宣布,原来的超宽屏射击游戏,DARIUSBURST纪事救主,现拥有可提供更多的DLC来...

根据经典游戏台东区三DLC包现在可用于三个DLC包基于世嘉经典游戏的未来2016年4月7日,DBCS的所有版本!台东区的游戏礼包是RayForce,夜间前锋,和金属黑。世嘉游戏礼包将空间鹞,银河队II和幻想区。每个包包括自同名游戏,独特的水平,并从原来的对应混音音乐】新船。每包售价$ 4.99 USD单独或$ 11.99美元的所有三个台东区包...



我敢打赌,你想多了,是吧?我有好消息! Degica很高兴地宣布,原来的超宽屏射击游戏,DARIUSBURST纪事救主,现拥有可提供更多的DLC来...

根据经典游戏台东区三DLC包现在可用于三个DLC包基于世嘉经典游戏的未来2016年4月7日,DBCS的所有版本!台东区的游戏礼包是RayForce,夜间前锋,和金属黑。世嘉游戏礼包将空间鹞,银河队II和幻想区。每个包包括自同名游戏,独特的水平,并从原来的对应混音音乐】新船。每包售价$ 4.99 USD单独或$ 11.99美元的所有三个台东区包...


DARIUSBURST纪事救主V1.00 r5131:超宽的支持和bug修复


- 增加了支持21:9的超宽宽高比显示器。

- 修正了没有任何BGM的CS阶段。

- 修正了突击星火连拍设置。 (使用连拍星火使用太少突发计)。

DARIUSBURST纪事救主V1.00 r4894:大流士奥德赛DLC,其他橱柜和bug修复


- 在大流士奥德赛数码指南DLC中加入

- 64个新柜已被添加到纪事模式

- 要纠正一个错误的星系解锁,解锁是在橱柜新星系行星已经被复位。目前解锁星系仍然可以访问,但行星现在可以再次释放出来。

- CS模式:固定的开始boss战与丛云的上梁时,导致期权不再被证明可能发生的错误。

- 固定在设定ON / OFF为船左摇杆控制主菜单上的反射。

- CS模式/连拍规则:固定到爆仪在暂停期间填补

- 橱柜选择:固定的网络错误消息未能改变内阁时被显示多次。

DARIUSBURST纪事救主V1.00转速4614更新 - 刷新率修复


- 刷新率已经被锁定为60帧,以防止与刷新率60Hz的比更高的显示器车速过快。

- 修正了在CS模式中的“波”武器的行为。该武器被错误地通过敌人的老板,而不是刺入与他们相撞的预期。

- 修正了一个错误,其中CS模式下攻击敌人的老板时,爆烈表不会填满。

- 修正了在某些场景它延长到对话窗口中的文本。


DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours v1.00 Rev. 5782: Choose your player and more!


- Receive points on death in CS Mode until you buy all ships 

- AC Mode setting: lets you decide which controller controls which player (i.e. color/starting point) 

- Replaced Odyssey images with higher resolution images 

- Full controller support: the launcher can be now setup with a controller 

- Small Bug Fixes 

DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours v1.00 r5736: Bug Fix

DBCS r5736 Patch note

- Fixed zone display becoming incorrect on leaderboard when restart was used. 

- Fixed bug in QUZ which would stop displaying graphics when restart was used in Z zone 

- Fixed the confirmation dialog that could not be controlled by anyone but P1 

- DLC Mode: Fixed the problem which would not mark stage clear nor record score. 

- DLC Mode: Fixed the problem which would send the user back to menu after clearing a stage. 

- Fixed Opa Opa's laser so it now deals damage Phantom Castle's outer armour 

DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours v1.00 r5729: Zoom, Restart and Trading Cards

Trading cards have been added! You can now collection Huge Batteships to level up you Silver Hawk badge. 

DBCS r5729 Patch details: 

- Addition of a "Restart" and "Return to Main Menu" button to the pause menu ingame 

- Addition of a Zoom function to Darius Odyssey 

- Fix to GALAXY FORCE II bug that would happen when picking up items while rolling

DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours Sega DLC Now Available!

I bet you thought it couldn't get better, huh? It's ok. You don't have to be ashamed. Celebrate! Degica is pleased to announce that the original super-wide-screen shooting game, 

DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours, now has even more DLC available. 

Behold! Three DLC packs based on classic Sega games are now available for all versions of DBCS with three DLC pack based on classic Taito games already previously released! The Sega game packs are Space Harrier, Galaxy Force II, and Fantasy Zone. The Taito game packs are RayForce, Night Striker, and Metal Black. 

Each pack includes one new ship from the game of the same name, unique levels, and remixed music from its original counterpart. Each pack will cost $4.99 USD individually or $11.99 USD for all three packs. 

The new levels play similarly to CS mode (not in 32:9 aspect ratio), and the DLC ships are only usable in the DLC levels. However, ships from the base game can be used in the DLC levels. 

Watch Footage of The Sega DLC Packs... 

Watch Footage of The Taito DLC Packs... 

(Note!: The footage is in Japanese, but your download will be the appropriate language.) 

Get your Opa-Op ...on! 

DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours Taito DLC Now Available and Sega DLC Coming Soon!

I bet you wanted more, huh? I've got great news! Degica is pleased to announce that the original super-wide-screen shooting game, DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours, now has DLC available with more to come... 

Three DLC packs based on classic Taito games are now available for all versions of DBCS with three DLC pack based on classic Sega games coming April 7, 2016! The Taito game packs are RayForce, Night Striker, and Metal Black. The Sega game packs will be Space Harrier, Galaxy Force II, and Fantasy Zone. Each pack includes one new ship from the game of the same name, unique levels, and remixed music from its original counterpart. Each pack costs $4.99 USD individually or $11.99 USD for all three Taito packs... 

The new levels play similarly to CS mode (not in 32:9 aspect ratio), and the DLC ships are only usable in the DLC levels. However, ships from the base game can be used in the DLC levels. 

Watch Footage of The Taito DLC Packs (Available now!)... 

Watch Footage of The Sega DLC Packs (Coming 4/7/16)... 

(Note!: The footage is in Japanese, but your download will be the appropriate language.) 

DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours Taito DLC Now Available and Sega DLC Coming Soon!

I bet you wanted more, huh? I've got great news! Degica is pleased to announce that the original super-wide-screen shooting game, DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours, now has DLC available with more to come... 

Three DLC packs based on classic Taito games are now available for all versions of DBCS with three DLC pack based on classic Sega games coming April 7, 2016! The Taito game packs are RayForce, Night Striker, and Metal Black. The Sega game packs will be Space Harrier, Galaxy Force II, and Fantasy Zone. Each pack includes one new ship from the game of the same name, unique levels, and remixed music from its original counterpart. Each pack costs $4.99 USD individually or $11.99 USD for all three Taito packs... 

The new levels play similarly to CS mode (not in 32:9 aspect ratio), and the DLC ships are only usable in the DLC levels. However, ships from the base game can be used in the DLC levels. 

Watch Footage of The Taito DLC Packs (Available now!)... 

Watch Footage of The Sega DLC Packs (Coming 4/7/16)... 

(Note!: The footage is in Japanese, but your download will be the appropriate language.) 

DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours v1.00 r5131 :Ultrawide support and bug fixes

DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours r5131 Update Notes:

- Added support for 21:9 ultrawide aspect ratio monitors. 

- Fixed the CS stage that had no BGM. 

- Fixed the ASSAULT Spark Burst setting. (Using Spark Burst was using too little of the burst gauge.) 

DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours v1.00 r4894 :Darius Odyssey DLC, Additional Cabinets and bug fixes

Dariusburst Chronicle Saviours r4894 Update note:

- Addition of the Darius Odyssey Digital Guidebook DLC 

- 64 new Cabinets have been added to Chronicle Mode 
Cabinet number 65 to 128 are the new cabinets. 

- To correct a bug in galaxy unlocks, the planets that unlock new galaxies in cabinets have been reset. Current unlocked galaxies can still be accessed, but the planets can now be liberated again. 

- CS Mode: Fixed the bug that could happen when starting a boss fight with Murakumo's beam on, resulting in Options not being shown anymore. 

- Fix to the setting ON/OFF for the left stick control for a ship being reflected on main menu. 

- CS Mode/Burst Rule: Fix to the burst gauge filling up during the pause 

- CABINET SELECT: Fix to the Network Error message being shown multiple times when failing to change Cabinet. 

DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours V1.00 rev 4614 Update - Refresh Rate Fix

DariusBurst Chronicle Saviours V1.00 rev 4614:

- The refresh rate has been locked to 60 fps to prevent excessive speed on monitors with refresh rates higher than 60Hz. 

- Corrected the behaviour of the "Wave" weapon in CS mode. The weapon was incorrectly piercing through boss enemies instead of colliding with them as intended. 
(Only Origin and Gaiden were working correctly before) 

- Corrected an error where the burst gauge would not fill up when attacking boss enemies in CS mode. 

- Corrected the text in some scenes where it extended beyond the dialogue window.

by BAT

2016-07-24太空战斗机:爆发-编年史救世主 v1.00.5782升级档+10DLC+免DVD补丁BAT版    【252MB】 v1.00.5782