配合秘籍 event [事件ID] [国家TAG] 使用
1000 | 一项科研被破坏 |
6 | 南斯拉夫事件(玩家离开当前联盟) |
1001 | 不满+5 |
1002 | 每天最大补给储量+200% |
1003 | 人力+100 |
1004 | 人力+100 |
1005 | 每天最大补给储量-100%不满-5 |
1006 | 工业效率+1??不满+1 |
1007 | 人力+30 |
1008 | 不满+3 每天最大补给储量-200% |
1009 | 不满-3 |
1010 | 一处工业值-1 |
1011 | 窃取他国一项科技蓝图 |
1013 | 工业效率+1%(ic值和资源生产均加1%的好东东!) |
1014 | (选项)民主主义+2或独裁主义+2 |
1015 | (选项)处死一名部长,不满-1/不满加1(不处死) |
1016 | (选项)左翼倾向+1或右翼倾向+1 |
1017 | /1020一处地面要塞-1 |
1040 | 随机窃取一项邻国科技蓝图 |
1050 | 随机处死一名将领 |
1090 | 不满+5 |
1110 | 干涉主义加1 |
1120 | 孤立主义倾向+1 |
1150 | 不满-100,政权信仰被颠覆? |
8000~8019 | 分别对应获得固定的一项或3项武器技术 (都是秘密武器技术,好东东啊) |
5001~5042 | (可选项)分别对应常备军制倾向 不满,鹰派,鸽派,左倾,右倾等政治倾向加1到10不等 |
4000~4003 | 维西政府与各国友好度改变 |
2000~2031 | 德国特有事件(吞并,获得军队等等) |
3003 | 西班牙内战 |
3400~3405 | 英国的事件 |
3700~3728 | 美国的事件 |
4100.1402 | 中国的事件 |
3800~3809 | 日本的事件 |
2900~2904 | 意大利事件 |
2600~2646 | 苏联的事件 |
简单的自定义国家加速事件代码实例,事件目录为 dbevents
event = { id = 3299 #event id random = no name = "Country Boost" desc = "Country Boost - www.52miji.com" style = 0 action_a = { name = "It's Rafikilicious" # As of 1.2, It's even easier to create cheating events. # Just add this to an event file and fire it manually as many times as you want. command = { type = free_ic value = 100 } #+100 offmap IC production command = { type = free_energy value = 250 } #Free offmap resource production command = { type = free_metal value = 120 } command = { type = free_oil value = 50 } command = { type = free_rare_materials value = 75 } command = { type = construct which = infrastructure where = -1 value = 100 } #Free Infra to 5 random provinces command = { type = construct which = infrastructure where = -1 value = 100 } command = { type = construct which = infrastructure where = -1 value = 100 } command = { type = construct which = infrastructure where = -1 value = 100 } command = { type = construct which = infrastructure where = -1 value = 100 } command = { type = supplies value = 5000 } # Free stuff command = { type = oilpool value = 5000 } command = { type = metalpool value = 5000 } command = { type = energypool value = 5000 } command = { type = rarematerialspool value = 5000 } command = { type = manpowerpool value = 5000 } command = { type = money value = 5000 } command = { type = research_mod value = 5000 } #Quicker Research } }