Bookworm | 10 | |
25% of all documents found. 收集20%的文件 |
Historian | 15 | |
75% of all documents found. 收集75%的文件 |
Relic Hunter | 10 | |
25% of all relics collected. 收集25%的圣物 |
Archaeologist | 15 | |
75% of all relics collected. 收集75%的圣物 |
Looking for Trouble | 10 | |
25% of all GPS caches found. 收集25%的GPS平板 |
Bag Full O" Cache | 15 | |
75% of all GPS caches found. 收集75%的GPS平板 |
No Stone Left Unturned | 50 | |
All documents, relics, and GPS caches found. 以上三种物品均100%收集 |
Scrounger | 20 | |
5000 pieces of salvage collected. 回收5000片可再利用的物资 |
Picky | 15 | |
200 enemies looted. 搜刮200个敌人尸体 |
Clever Girl | 25 | |
Purchased all skills in one category. 在一項技能升级种类中获得所有能力 |
Lethal | 50 | |
Purchased all skills in all categories. 在全部的技能升级种类中获得所有能力 |
Now We"re Getting Serious | 25 | |
One weapon fully modded and completely upgraded. 选择一把武器组装挂件并完全升级 |
The Professional | 50 | |
All weapons fully modded and completely upgraded. 所有武器均组装挂件并完全升级 |
Big Game Hunter | 15 | |
10 large animals killed and looted. 击杀10个大型猛兽并搜刮尸体 |
Tastes Like Chicken! | 15 | |
10 small animals killed and looted. 击杀10个小型动物并搜刮尸体 |
Feather Duster | 15 | |
10 flying animals killed and looted. 击杀10个飞禽并搜刮尸体 |
Sharp Shooter | 15 | |
50 headshot kills performed in the single player campaign. 单人故事模式中达成50次爆头 |
Predator | 10 | |
50 enemies killed with the bow. 使用弓击杀50个敌人 |
Equalizer | 10 | |
75 enemies killed with the rifle. 使用来复枪击杀70个敌人 |
Widowmaker | 10 | |
40 enemies killed with the shotgun. 使用霰弹枪击杀40个敌人 |
Gunslinger | 10 | |
35 enemies killed with the pistol. 使用手枪击杀35个敌人 |
Epic Fumble | 15 | |
Forced an enemy to drop dynamite that killed two people. 迫使一个敌人扔掉炸药包导致两个人被炸死 |
Get Over Here! | 20 | |
5 enemies rope pulled off edges. 把五个绳索上的敌人推落悬崖 |
Opportunist | 15 | |
25 unaware enemies killed. 暗杀25个敌人 |
Down and Dirty | 15 | |
15 finishers performed. 完成15次终结体技 |
Deadeye | 20 | |
10 enemies shot off zip lines. 在从绳索掉下来前杀死10個敌人 |
Former Adventurer | 20 | |
25 enemies incapacitated with dodge counter. 使用闪避反击令25个敌人失去行动能力 |
One Smart Cookie | 20 | |
One optional tomb completed. 完成1次支线古墓探险 |
Intellectually Superior | 50 | |
All optional tombs completed. 完成所有支线古墓探险 |
Unfinished Business | 20 | |
One challenge completed. 完成一个挑战项目 |
Inconceivable! | 50 | |
All challenges complete. 完成所有挑战项目 |
A Survivor Is Born | 75 | |
Game completed. 任意难度游戏通关 |
Adventurer | 20 | |
Played a match to completion in all multiplayer modes. 玩遍所有多人游戏模式 |
Artilleryman | 20 | |
20 enemy players killed with a turret in multiplayer. 多人模式中使用炮塔击杀20个玩家 |
Down Boy! | 10 | |
Zip-lining enemy killed in multiplayer. 多人模式中于绳索滑行中击杀1个玩家 |
Entrapment | 10 | |
Trapped an enemy in multiplayer. 多人模式中让敌人落入你的陷阱 |
Escapist | 20 | |
Survived 10 explosions in multiplayer. 多人模式中在大爆炸中生存10次 |
Good Samaritan | 10 | |
Revived a teammate in a multiplayer match. 多人模式中拯救你的队友一次 |
I"m all that! | 25 | |
Won a ranked match in every multiplayer mode. 在所有的多人模式排名比赛中获胜 |
Sole Survivor | 15 | |
Sole survivor on your multiplayer team. 在你的团队中成为仅剩的幸存者 |
Lights Out | 15 | |
10 multiplayer enemies killed with the melee attack. 多人模式中使用近身攻击击杀10个玩家 |
Master Blaster | 20 | |
Two multiplayer enemies killed with one explosive. 多人模式中一次爆炸击杀两个敌对玩家 |
Monkey Around | 15 | |
Survived 3 times in multiplayer by using the rope ascender. 多人模式中使用绳索器(rope ascender)逃生3次 |
Narcissistic | 10 | |
New character purchased. 购买新人物 |
On My Way Up | 10 | |
Multiplayer level 10 attained. 多人模式中达到10级 |
Shopaholic | 20 | |
Purchased all upgrades and characters in multiplayer. 多人模式中购买所有升级项目和网战人物 |
True Commitment | 30 | |
Multiplayer level 60 attained. 多人模式中达到60级 |