



Version was just released on the test branch. The changes are:

- Resource placements on the map are now randomized for some types. Amounts will be set according to difficulty in the scenario starting options
- Changed the word FORAGE to the more accurate EXAMINE
- Added/edited descriptions of many plants and smaller animals
- Added a patch of muckroot terrain to the north coast. Also adjusted the position of the creek at the north landing site.
- Added 2 structures: wigwam and dome shelter made of spoak shingles
- Reduced the weight of numerous items and tools so that characters can carry more
-Corrected the behavior of bush dragons so that they will now defend themselves and sometimes attack if approached
- Corrected a bug where characers could not continue construction after being interrupted
- Corrected a bug where a blocked resource prevented the character from gathering other resources
- Changing the priority of a harvesting task will now correctly change the priority for the whole task and not just for one item
- Corrected a bug where a character got stuck inside a building when trying to pick up or drop an item
- Corrected a bug where an item that degraded would disappear from a character’s inventory
- Corrected a crash that would sometimes happen when two characters switched a hauling task


by thegfw

2014-06-14无主世界 测试版11号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(thegfw原创制作)    【64.76MB】