



Added options for separate X and Y sensitivity for controllers
The Quick Turn button now works while hanging onto ledges as well
When using a controller and skipping the result animations, you no longer skip the result screen as well
You can now navigate the leaderboard up and down on the result screen as well
You can no longer continue to shoot in the background while navigating the result screen
Added controller-specific gameplay options:

Option to force normalization of movement input direction
Option snap input direction to 8 directional input for dashing
Option to have the gun automatically charge up when not holding the button down
Option to add a small bias to the directional input of the camera while interacting with walls for quicker adjustments without requiring a too high sensitivity in normal situations

Wall jumping state got a security system for not losing grip/blocked from activating in some more messy situations.
Added feature to be able to break horizontal wall runs by pushing backwards (more intuitive way to stop unintended wall runs in “panic” situations)
Pressing B on the controller when manipulating sliders in the Options menu now sets the value instead of canceling the change
Made the Start option the default selec tion when selec ting a level with a controller
Fixed: Bug where controller aiming sensitivity was affected by mouse sensitivity
Fixed: Bug where the wall sticky state would randomly not exit out when getting stuck on some areas.
Fixed: Bug where some keyboard events got lost during longer loading times
Fixed: Memory bug with the keyboard system that happened sometimes when spamming keys during laggy/long frames
Fixed: Bug where the darkening on the background while in the options menu could get stuck on weird values if skipping animations
Fixed bug where some mouse values were not set correctly during loading screen to level selec tion making the camera sometimes scroll when starting up
Fixed/tweaked subtitles for intro level

by thegfw

2014-05-04云路 11号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(thegfw原创制作)    【76.62MB】