1. 执行EXE开始游戏
2. 拷贝CRACK所有目录到游戏里的安装目录覆盖
3. 执行KEYGEN.EXE,把 serial 拷贝到你的游戏激活窗口. 保持KEYGEN注册机继续运行
3. 点击游戏注册窗口里的 "Manual Activation" 然后点击 "Back".
4. 现在切换到注册机的窗口按下 "Generate" 按钮. 等一下会.
5. 切换到游戏的注册窗口再次按下 "Manual Activation" 然后把刚才在注册机窗口得到的验证码复制过来,完成注册
6. 进去游戏
/RLD 中文BY 小旅鼠
如果有问题,你执行REGEDIT ,找到“HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareCyanideConfrontation” 删除这个注册表分支
PS: If you do not follow these steps correctly, have attempted to register the game before for some reason, or for similar reasons
have a problem registering, use the registry editor (regedit.exe) to del ete all keys and values under
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareCyanideConfrontationKeys and then retry.