It has launched A new game and be integrated database on the editor!
Because the script is also enabled some national teams. In addition, the qualifications are faithfully played, so the FM is once again a good bit more realistic.
Included are:
- Quali Europe with playoff `s () 53 teams Uefa (欧洲区包含附加赛的预选赛 的53支欧洲 足协球队)
- Quali South (CIS) 10 TEAMS (南美区的10支球队)
- Quality North-Central America (Concacaf) 35 TEAMS (中北美洲加勒比地区足协的 35支球队)
- Quali Asia (AFC) 45 TEAMS (亚洲足协45支球队)
- Quali Africa (CAF) 52 TEAMS(非洲足协52支球队)
- Quali Oceania (OFC) 10 TEAMS(大洋洲足协 10支球队)
- OFC Intercontinental Playoff: AFC Concacaf: CIS
ferguslin 发布