1.5.04 - 1.5.07 saved games will be compatible with patch 1.5.08.
Game changesAdded the possibility for admins to take screenshots of a player's screen (as an anti-wallhack-cheats measure) by console commands (make_screenshot, screenshot_all).
Fixed bug with banning the players.Fixed bug with saving the rank and money amount of the player upon the round restart (if the player deliberately closed the game process in the task manager, and then reconnected).
1.5.04 - 1.5.07储存的游戏将会兼容补丁1.5.08。
游戏changesAdded的管理员可能利用玩家的屏幕截图(作为反wallhack -欺骗措施)的控制台命令(make_screenshotscreenshot_all)。